Ecommerce is quickly becoming the preferred way for people to shop. In the wake of a global pandemic that forced people into their homes, more and more are using online shopping to get even basic necessities. Even when things get back to “normal” there is a good chance that online shopping will remain popular. If you have an ecommerce site, now is the time to invest the time and effort to create a shopping site that will meet your customers’ needs and help you grow now and in the future.
1: User-Friendly Design
One of the first and most critical aspects of an online shopping experience is your website usability and the flow of customers from the time they arrive until the checkout. Brick-and-mortar retailers have spent decades figuring out specific store layouts and other factors that increase the chances of someone making a purchase. An online store is no different, but retailers don’t always take the time to create a clean interface, check for broken links, and create a pleasant shopping experience. If you’re not sure where to start, do some user testing or check out some of the most common pitfalls of user experience.
2: Faster Speeds
Slow load times can significantly impact your total online sales. Every second that it takes a page to load, you’re losing browser and potential buyers. In fact, only 36% of buyers surveyed by KISS Metrics said they would wait more than 10 seconds for a mobile page to load, and most expect it in 2 seconds or less. A one-second delay will reduce conversions by 7%, so a website that does $10,000 in daily sales volume could increase sales $250,000 or more per year by speeding up their site.
3: Simple Checkout Process
Once a customer makes it to your shopping cart there are a few things that could still kill the sale, especially a checkout process with surprises or other barriers. That could be unexpectedly high shipping costs or other fees associated with the transaction. Other barriers might include a requirement that a customer creates an account before they can proceed. While you should definitely offer the choice to create an account, you should also have a “guest checkout” option.
4: Simple, Clear, and Consistent Returns Policy
Finally, check your returns policy in your online store. As more people turn to online stores for the everyday to the exotic, they want to know that they can return something if it doesn’t work the way it’s intended or doesn’t meet their needs. A clear returns policy can significantly reduce stress for your customers, and increase the chance that they purchase.
If you’re not thrilled about offering returns because you don’t have the capacity to process returns very well, or you’re worried about what it will do to your bottom line, ReverseLogix has a reverse logistics platform that can help you track and manage all your online returns easily. It might seem simple, but it could be the difference between making that online sale and your customers going to your competition. Contact us today to see a demo of our reverse logistics platform.